If your question relates specifically to 138th Fighter Wing, please see the questions below. If you have a question which is not addressed here, you may find the answer by visiting the Questions page of Air National Guard, or the Questions page of Air Force Link. For general military questions, please refer to the Department of Defense's FAQs page.
138th Fighter Wing Personnel Office Information:
9100 E 46TH ST N
TULSA OK 74115
Hours of Operation:
0800-1100 and 1300-1600 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Closed on all Federal Holidays
Walk-in Customers
All walk-in customers are seen on a first come, first serve basis. Wait times for walk-ins can be up to 2 hours if we are very busy. We thank you for your patience.
All customers who are age 21 and older must have two (unexpired) forms of ID to get a new ID card made. One of them must be a state or government issued photo ID. This applies to all customers
Dependant ID Cards
For dependant ID cards, the sponsor must be present to sign the DD Form 1172. If the sponsor is not available, the dependant must have a previously signed 1172 (within 90 days of signature) signed by their sponsor and the VO/SSM or a Power of Attorney. Call for further details.
Adding a spouse to DEERS
When adding a spouse to DEERS, the sponsor needs to bring the following documents for their spouse: Marriage Certificate, birth certificate, social security card, & a photo id. All documents must be originals or certified copies.
Adding children to DEERS
When adding a child to DEERS, the sponsor must have the following documents for the child: birth certificate & social security card. If a stepchild is being added, the marriage certificate is also needed. Documents must be originals or certified copies.
Full Time College Students
All College students must bring a letter from their school registrar's office stating that they are enrolled full time in an accredited college in pursuit of an Associate Degree or higher with their projected graduation date to have dependant benefits extended to age 23 and receive an ID card.
Pre-Arrival Checklist What to Bring:
1. Bring two forms of acceptable unexpired identification.
One form of identification must be a photo ID issued by a state or federal agency.
The second form of identification can be any of a list of secondary documents, such as a birth certificate or Social Security Number card. A complete list of acceptable identification documents are listed below.
Sponsors and adult Family Members (including children over age 21) must bring two forms of unexpired acceptable identification. Examples of acceptable identity documents include:
· DoD Identification Card (DoD Sponsor or DoD Family Member card issued to you)
· Driver's License
· Social Security Card
· Birth Certificate
· Voter's Registration Card
· U.S. Passport
· Photo ID Card issued by federal, state, or local government
· Foreign Passport
· Foreign National ID with photo
· INS Forms to include Form N-560, N-561, N-550, N-570, I-151, I-551, I-688, I-688A, I-327 I-571, I-688B