The "New Normal" (October 2011)

  • Published
  • By Lt Col Emile Hawkins
  • 138th FW/HC
   As we all are well aware, September 11, 2001 has changed the way we think and operate in America. Since that date, we have been introduced to a "new way" of existing, thinking and doing. I am always happy to know that our airports are safer, but at the same time, the long lines to get through security as well as not being able to bring your own bottle of water from home on the plane, is simply a different way of living. From a military perspective, the tempo of deployments as well as the location and length of deployments have impacted the lives of numerous Air and Army Guardsman around the country. In terms of "thinking," these last ten years have provided an opportunity for all Americans to recognize that there are things like travel, personal security, and the family vacation, that shouldn't be taken for granted. America is the greatest country in the world! I am grateful to know that the "new normal" has simply made us a better country, a better military. My suggestion to each of you is to stay prayerful, stay connected to friends and family, stay vigilant and stay hopeful! I have no doubt that better days are ahead for all of us! The "new normal" has simply become "normal!"