Command Chief master Sergeant Alger's November 2011 Message

  • Published
  • By CMSgt Rob A. Alger
  • 138th FW/CCM
    I am an American airman. I have answered my nations call. When the Airman's Creed was introduced to the force in 2007 by then, Chief of Staff of the USAF, General T. Michael Moseley, many "old timers" proclaimed with a gruff and a grunt that it was unnecessary and that we didn't need it.
   What could be further from the truth? The Airman's Creed is designed to keep us mindful of why we do what we do and more importantly WHO WE ARE.
   I am an American Airman. My mission is to fly, fight and win. Not just show up and hope things work out. I am faithful to a proud heritage, a tradition of honor, and a legacy of valor. Acts of valor reverberate throughout our history, from the days of the Army Air Corps to current operations. Airman have performed amazing feats of valor to protect and defend this country, adding to the legacy for generations of Airmen that will follow.
   I am an American Airman. Guardian of freedom and justice, My nations sword and shield, It's sentry and avenger. Nonetheless, Most of you have traveled into harm's way, you made the commitment to defend this country and you risked your life as you honored that commitment.
   I am an American Airman: Wingman, Leader, Warrior. I will never leave an Airman behind. I will not falter, and I will not fail. A good wingman is something we talk about regularly and is absolutely critical to be a leader and a warrior. I will not fail as I stand on the wall protecting freedom.
   Who could possibly read the Airman's Creed, and take it to heart and say it was unnecessary or that we didn't need it. OUR Creed embodies what it is to be a professional airman. What our nations expects of us and hopefully what we expect of ourselves. I am an American Airman, I stand proudly on the wall of freedom and MY CREED is the standard to which I strive.
   Thanks for standing on the wall!